File "form-reply-move.php"

Full Path: /home/jlklyejr/public_html/post-date/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/form-reply-move.php
File size: 3.4 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8


 * Move Reply
 * @package bbPress
 * @subpackage Theme

// Exit if accessed directly
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;


<div id="bbpress-forums" class="bbpress-wrapper">

	<?php bbp_breadcrumb(); ?>

	<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'edit_topic', bbp_get_topic_id() ) ) : ?>

		<div id="move-reply-<?php bbp_topic_id(); ?>" class="bbp-reply-move">

			<form id="move_reply" name="move_reply" method="post">

				<fieldset class="bbp-form">

					<legend><?php printf( esc_html__( 'Move reply "%s"', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_reply_title() ); ?></legend>


						<div class="bbp-template-notice info">
								<li><?php esc_html_e( 'You can either make this reply a new topic with a new title, or merge it into an existing topic.', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>

						<div class="bbp-template-notice">
								<li><?php esc_html_e( 'If you choose an existing topic, replies will be ordered by the time and date they were created.', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>

						<fieldset class="bbp-form">
							<legend><?php esc_html_e( 'Move Method', 'bbpress' ); ?></legend>

								<input name="bbp_reply_move_option" id="bbp_reply_move_option_reply" type="radio" checked="checked" value="topic" />
								<label for="bbp_reply_move_option_reply"><?php printf( esc_html__( 'New topic in %s titled:', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_forum_title( bbp_get_reply_forum_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ) ) ); ?></label>
								<input type="text" id="bbp_reply_move_destination_title" value="<?php printf( esc_html__( 'Moved: %s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_reply_title() ); ?>" size="35" name="bbp_reply_move_destination_title" />

							<?php if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'show_stickies' => false, 'post_parent' => bbp_get_reply_forum_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ), 'post__not_in' => array( bbp_get_reply_topic_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ) ) ) ) ) : ?>

									<input name="bbp_reply_move_option" id="bbp_reply_move_option_existing" type="radio" value="existing" />
									<label for="bbp_reply_move_option_existing"><?php esc_html_e( 'Use an existing topic in this forum:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>

										bbp_dropdown( array(
											'post_type'   => bbp_get_topic_post_type(),
											'post_parent' => bbp_get_reply_forum_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ),
											'selected'    => -1,
											'exclude'     => bbp_get_reply_topic_id( bbp_get_reply_id() ),
											'select_id'   => 'bbp_destination_topic'
										) );


							<?php endif; ?>


						<div class="bbp-template-notice error" role="alert" tabindex="-1">
								<li><?php esc_html_e( 'This process cannot be undone.', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>

						<div class="bbp-submit-wrapper">
							<button type="submit" id="bbp_move_reply_submit" name="bbp_move_reply_submit" class="button submit"><?php esc_html_e( 'Submit', 'bbpress' ); ?></button>

					<?php bbp_move_reply_form_fields(); ?>


	<?php else : ?>

		<div id="no-reply-<?php bbp_reply_id(); ?>" class="bbp-no-reply">
			<div class="entry-content"><?php is_user_logged_in()
				? esc_html_e( 'You do not have permission to edit this reply.', 'bbpress' )
				: esc_html_e( 'You cannot edit this reply.',                    'bbpress' );

	<?php endif; ?>
