<?php /** * Evaluates the spec and returns a status. */ namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\PaymentGatewaySuggestions; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\RemoteInboxNotifications\RuleEvaluator; /** * Evaluates the spec and returns the evaluated suggestion. */ class EvaluateSuggestion { /** * Evaluates the spec and returns the suggestion. * * @param object|array $spec The suggestion to evaluate. * @return object The evaluated suggestion. */ public static function evaluate( $spec ) { $rule_evaluator = new RuleEvaluator(); $suggestion = is_array( $spec ) ? (object) $spec : clone $spec; if ( isset( $suggestion->is_visible ) ) { $is_visible = $rule_evaluator->evaluate( $suggestion->is_visible ); $suggestion->is_visible = $is_visible; } return $suggestion; } /** * Evaluates the specs and returns the visible suggestions. * * @param array $specs payment suggestion spec array. * @return array The visible suggestions and errors. */ public static function evaluate_specs( $specs ) { $suggestions = array(); $errors = array(); foreach ( $specs as $spec ) { try { $suggestion = self::evaluate( $spec ); if ( ! property_exists( $suggestion, 'is_visible' ) || $suggestion->is_visible ) { $suggestions[] = $suggestion; } } catch ( \Throwable $e ) { $errors[] = $e; } } return array( 'suggestions' => $suggestions, 'errors' => $errors, ); } }