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jQuery(document).ready( function($) { $('.page-title-action').hide(); var postID = document.getElementById('post_ID') != null ? document.getElementById('post_ID').value : 0; // Initialize the CodeMirror editor if ( $('#ccj_content').length > 0 ) { var content_mode = $("#ccj_content").attr('mode'); if ( content_mode == 'html' ) { var content_mode = { name: "htmlmixed", scriptTypes: [{matches: /\/x-handlebars-template|\/x-mustache/i, mode: null}] }; } CCJ.codemirror.mode = content_mode; CCJ.codemirror.extraKeys.F11 = function(cm) { cm.setOption("fullScreen", !cm.getOption("fullScreen")); fullscreen_buttons( true ); var cookies = (getCookie('ccj-' + postID) || '0,0,0,0').split(','); document.cookie = 'ccj-' + postID + '=' + [cookies[0], cookies[1], cookies[2], 1].join(',') + '; SameSite=Lax'; }; CCJ.codemirror.extraKeys.Esc = function(cm) { if (cm.getOption("fullScreen")) cm.setOption("fullScreen", false); fullscreen_buttons( false ); var cookies = (getCookie('ccj-' + postID) || '0,0,0,0').split(','); 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var curPos = editor.getCursor(); document.cookie = 'ccj-' + postID + '=' + [curPos.line,, height, Number(editor.getOption('fullScreen'))].join(',') + '; SameSite=Lax'; }); // Save the custom code when hitting "Ctrl-S" editor.on('keydown', function(cm, event) { if ( ! event.ctrlKey && ! event.metaKey || event.which !== 83 ) return; var height = ( !editor.getOption('fullScreen') ) ? $('.CodeMirror').height() : cookies[2]; var curPos = editor.getCursor(); document.cookie = 'ccj-' + postID + '=' + [curPos.line,, height, Number(editor.getOption('fullScreen'))].join(',') + '; SameSite=Lax'; $("form#post").submit(); event.preventDefault(); return false; }); // Restoring fullscreen editor.setOption("fullScreen", parseFloat(cookies[3])); fullscreen_buttons( Boolean(parseFloat(cookies[3])) ); // Action for the `fullscreen` button $("#ccj-fullscreen-button").click( function() { editor.triggerOnKeyDown({type: 'keydown', keyCode: 122}); }); $("#publish").click(function(e){ var cookies = (getCookie('ccj-' + postID) || '0,0,0,0').split(','); var curPos = editor.getCursor(); document.cookie = 'ccj-' + postID + '=' + [curPos.line,, cookies[2], Number(editor.getOption('fullScreen'))].join(',') + '; SameSite=Lax'; }); } // Enable the tipsy $('span[rel=tipsy].tipsy-no-html').tipsy({fade: true, gravity: 's'}); $('span[rel=tipsy]').tipsy({fade: true, gravity: 's', html: true}); // Toggle the buttons when in fullscreen mode function fullscreen_buttons( mode ) { editor.focus(); if ( mode === true ) { $("#publish").css({ 'position' : 'fixed', 'right' : '40px', 'bottom' : '40px', 'z-index' : 100005, }); } else { $("#publish").css({ 'position' : 'static', 'right' : 'initial', 'bottom' : 'initial', 'z-index' : 10, }); } } // For post.php or post-new.php pages show the code's title in the page title if ( $('#titlediv #title').length > 0 ) { var new_title = $("input[name=custom_code_language]").val().toUpperCase() + ' - ' + $('#titlediv #title').val(); if( $('#titlediv #title').val().length > 0 ) { $(document).prop('title', new_title ); 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row.find(' .ccj_activate_deactivate') .attr('title', CCJ.active_title); $('#activate-action span').text(; $('#activate-action .ccj_activate_deactivate').text(CCJ.deactivate); } else { row.css('opacity', '0.4'); row.find('.row-actions .ccj_activate_deactivate') .text(CCJ.activate) .attr('title', CCJ.deactive_title); row.find(' .dashicons') .removeClass('dashicons-star-filled') .addClass('dashicons-star-empty'); row.find(' .ccj_activate_deactivate') .attr('title', CCJ.deactive_title); $('#activate-action span').text(CCJ.inactive); $('#activate-action .ccj_activate_deactivate').text(CCJ.activate); } } function getCookie(name) { var value = '; ' + document.cookie; var parts = value.split('; ' + name + '='); if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift(); } // Permalink slug $( '#titlediv' ).on( 'click', '.ccj-edit-slug', function() { var i, $el, revert_e, c = 0, slug_value = $('#editable-post-name').html(), real_slug = $('#post_name'), revert_slug = real_slug.val(), permalink = $( '#sample-permalink' ), permalinkOrig = permalink.html(), permalinkInner = $( '#sample-permalink a' ).html(), permalinkHref = $('#sample-permalink a').attr('href'), buttons = $('#ccj-edit-slug-buttons'), buttonsOrig = buttons.html(), full = $('#editable-post-name-full'); // Deal with Twemoji in the post-name. full.find( 'img' ).replaceWith( function() { return this.alt; } ); full = full.html(); permalink.html( permalinkInner ); // Save current content to revert to when cancelling. $el = $( '#editable-post-name' ); revert_e = $el.html(); if ( typeof postL10n === 'undefined' || postL10n.cancel === '' || postL10n.ok === '' ) { postL10n = { ok : wp.i18n.__( 'OK' ), cancel : wp.i18n.__( 'Cancel' ), } } buttons.html( '<button type="button" class="save button button-small">' + postL10n.ok + '</button> <button type="button" class="cancel button-link">' + postL10n.cancel + '</button>' ); // Save permalink changes. buttons.children( '.save' ).click( function() { var new_slug = $el.children( 'input' ).val(); if ( new_slug == $('#editable-post-name-full').text() ) { buttons.children('.cancel').click(); return; } $.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'ccj_permalink', code_id: $('#post_ID').val(), new_slug: new_slug, permalink: permalinkHref, filetype: $('#editable-post-name-full').data('filetype'), ccj_permalink_nonce: $('#ccj-permalink-nonce').val() }, function(data) { var box = $('#edit-slug-box'); box.html(data); if (box.hasClass('hidden')) { box.fadeIn('fast', function () { box.removeClass('hidden'); }); } } ); }); // Cancel editing of permalink. buttons.children( '.cancel' ).click( function() { $('#view-post-btn').show(); $el.html(revert_e); buttons.html(buttonsOrig); permalink.html(permalinkOrig); real_slug.val(revert_slug); $( '.ccj-edit-slug' ).focus(); }); $el.html( '<input type="text" name="new_slug" id="new-post-slug" value="' + slug_value + '" autocomplete="off" />' ).children( 'input' ).keydown( function( e ) { var key = e.which; // On [enter], just save the new slug, don't save the post. if ( 13 === key ) { e.preventDefault(); buttons.children( '.save' ).click(); } // On [esc] cancel the editing. if ( 27 === key ) { buttons.children( '.cancel' ).click(); } } ).keyup( function() { real_slug.val( this.value ); }).focus(); }); });