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<?php abstract class controllerWcu { protected $_models = array(); protected $_views = array(); protected $_task = ''; protected $_defaultView = ''; protected $_code = ''; public function __construct($code) { $this->setCode($code); $this->_defaultView = $this->getCode(); } public function init() { /*load model and other preload data goes here*/ } protected function _onBeforeInit() { } protected function _onAfterInit() { } public function setCode($code) { $this->_code = $code; } public function getCode() { return $this->_code; } public function exec($task = '') { if(method_exists($this, $task)) { $this->_task = $task; //For multicontrollers module version - who know, maybe that's will be?)) return $this->$task(); } return null; } public function getView($name = '') { if(empty($name)) $name = $this->getCode(); if(!isset($this->_views[$name])) { $this->_views[$name] = $this->_createView($name); } return $this->_views[$name]; } public function getModel($name = '') { if(!$name) $name = $this->_code; if(!isset($this->_models[$name])) { $this->_models[$name] = $this->_createModel($name); } return $this->_models[$name]; } protected function _createModel($name = '') { if(empty($name)) $name = $this->getCode(); $parentModule = frameWcu::_()->getModule( $this->getCode() ); $className = ''; if(importWcu($parentModule->getModDir(). 'models'. DS. $name. '.php')) { $className = toeGetClassNameWcu($name. 'Model'); } if($className) { $model = new $className(); $model->setCode( $this->getCode() ); return $model; } return NULL; } protected function _createView($name = '') { if(empty($name)) $name = $this->getCode(); $parentModule = frameWcu::_()->getModule( $this->getCode() ); $className = ''; if(importWcu($parentModule->getModDir(). 'views'. DS. $name. '.php')) { $className = toeGetClassNameWcu($name. 'View'); } if($className) { $view = new $className(); $view->setCode( $this->getCode() ); return $view; } return NULL; } public function display($viewName = '') { $view = NULL; if(($view = $this->getView($viewName)) === NULL) { $view = $this->getView(); //Get default view } if($view) { $view->display(); } } public function __call($name, $arguments) { $model = $this->getModel(); if(method_exists($model, $name)) return $model->$name($arguments[0]); else return false; } /** * Retrive permissions for controller methods if exist. * If need - should be redefined in each controller where it required. * @return array with permissions * @example : return array( S_METHODS => array( 'save' => array(WCU_ADMIN), 'remove' => array(WCU_ADMIN), 'restore' => WCU_ADMIN, ), S_USERLEVELS => array( S_ADMIN => array('save', 'remove', 'restore') ), ); * Can be used on of sub-array - WCU_METHODS or WCU_USERLEVELS */ public function getPermissions() { return array(); } /** * Methods that require nonce to be generated * If need - should be redefined in each controller where it required. * @return array */ public function getNoncedMethods() { return array(); } public function getModule() { return frameWcu::_()->getModule( $this->getCode() ); } protected function _prepareTextLikeSearch($val) { return ''; // Should be re-defined for each type } protected function _prepareModelBeforeListSelect($model) { return $model; } /** * Common method for list table data */ public function getListForTbl() { $res = new responseWcu(); $res->ignoreShellData(); $model = $this->getModel(); $page = (int) reqWcu::getVar('page'); $rowsLimit = (int) reqWcu::getVar('rows'); $orderBy = reqWcu::getVar('sidx'); $sortOrder = reqWcu::getVar('sord'); // Our custom search $search = reqWcu::getVar('search'); if($search && !empty($search) && is_array($search)) { foreach($search as $k => $v) { $v = trim($v); if(empty($v)) continue; if($k == 'text_like') { $v = $this->_prepareTextLikeSearch( $v ); if(!empty($v)) { $model->addWhere(array('additionalCondition' => $v)); } } else { $model->addWhere(array($k => $v)); } } } // jqGrid search $isSearch = reqWcu::getVar('_search'); if($isSearch) { $searchField = trim(reqWcu::getVar('searchField')); $searchString = trim(reqWcu::getVar('searchString')); if(!empty($searchField) && !empty($searchString)) { // For some cases - we will need to modify search keys and/or values before put it to the model $model->addWhere(array( $this->_prepareSearchField($searchField) => $this->_prepareSearchString($searchString) )); } } $model = $this->_prepareModelBeforeListSelect($model); // Get total pages count for current request $totalCount = $model->getCount(array('clear' => array('selectFields'))); $totalPages = 0; if($totalCount > 0) { $totalPages = ceil($totalCount / $rowsLimit); } if($page > $totalPages) { $page = $totalPages; } // Calc limits - to get data only for current set $limitStart = $rowsLimit * $page - $rowsLimit; // do not put $limit*($page - 1) if($limitStart < 0) $limitStart = 0; $data = $model ->setLimit($limitStart. ', '. $rowsLimit) ->setOrderBy( $this->_prepareSortOrder($orderBy) ) ->setSortOrder( $sortOrder ) ->setSimpleGetFields() ->getFromTbl(); $data = $this->_prepareListForTbl( $data ); $res->addData('page', $page); $res->addData('total', $totalPages); $res->addData('rows', $data); $res->addData('records', $model->getLastGetCount()); $res = dispatcherWcu::applyFilters($this->getCode(). '_getListForTblResults', $res); $res->ajaxExec(); } public function removeGroup() { $res = new responseWcu(); if($this->getModel()->removeGroup(reqWcu::getVar('listIds', 'post'))) { $res->addMessage(__('Done', WCU_LANG_CODE)); } else $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); $res->ajaxExec(); } public function clear() { $res = new responseWcu(); if($this->getModel()->clear()) { $res->addMessage(__('Done', WCU_LANG_CODE)); } else $res->pushError($this->getModel()->getErrors()); $res->ajaxExec(); } protected function _prepareListForTbl($data) { return $data; } protected function _prepareSearchField($searchField) { return $searchField; } protected function _prepareSearchString($searchString) { return $searchString; } protected function _prepareSortOrder($sortOrder) { return $sortOrder; } }