@vc_round-chart-legend-width: 40%; @vc_round-chart-width: 100% - @vc_round-chart-legend-width; @vc_line-chart-legend-width: 25%; @vc_line-chart-width: 100% - @vc_line-chart-legend-width; @vc_chart-legend-font-size: 14px; @vc_chart-legend-color-size: 1.3em; @vc_chart-legend-gap: 1em; @vc_chart-legend-item-gap: 0.3em; .vc_chart { .vc_chart-legend { font-size: @vc_chart-legend-font-size; margin: 0; padding: 0; li { line-height: @vc_chart-legend-color-size; list-style: none; margin: 0 0 @vc_chart-legend-item-gap 0; min-height: @vc_chart-legend-color-size; } span { border-radius: 0.3em; display: inline-block; height: @vc_chart-legend-color-size; left: 0; margin-right: 0.5em; vertical-align: middle; width: @vc_chart-legend-color-size; } } @media (min-width: @vc_grid-float-breakpoint) { .vc_chart-legend { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: @vc_round-chart-legend-width; li { margin-left: @vc_chart-legend-gap; } } // Wrapper around canvas element if chart has legend. // Legend itself is outside of this element (on the right) .vc_chart-with-legend { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: @vc_round-chart-width; } } } .vc_line-chart { .vc_chart-with-legend { width: @vc_line-chart-width; } .vc_chart-legend { width: @vc_line-chart-legend-width; } }